Kick-Off First Round 2020-2021

SOI 2021 has started. The tasks are now online!

Florian Gatignon

The tasks of the first round of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics 2021 are online!

Young computer enthusiasts can prove themselves and submit their solutions to our tasks until November 30. If you are one of the best participants, you get the opportunity of winning prizes, a spot in our training camp in Sarnen, or even to the international Olympiad in Informatics in Singapore in June 2021.

The first round includes two categories: Regular and Junior. This means that younger participants get the chance to start with easier tasks. Some spots in the Sarnen Camp are even reserved for the top participants of the Junior round. More about that and all participation rules on this page.

You are welcome to attend one of our workshops! More about that here. It is not yet clear, whether these workshops will take place online or on site. More information about this soon.

Have fun solving our tasks!