Submissiondetails, First Round

All official participants of SOI 2009 must have been born on or after July 1st 1989, and may not be enlisted as a student at university.
Theoretical Track
You can submit your solutions to until November 30th at midnight (please contact directly if you are not able to hand in your solution until this date due to some exceptional circumstances)
Practical Track
You can submit your solutions to until November 30th at midnight (please contact directly if you are not able to hand in your solution until this date due to some exceptional circumstances)
The submissions for «Grand Theft Cake» can be handed in until December 17th and should also be sent to
Requirements for the theoretical Track
See the instructions and tasks on this page for further information:
Requirements for the practical Track
We accept submissions in either English, German or French. You should submit a tar.gz (preferred), rar or zip file that contains a folder named according to your proper name(s) (first and last name). For each task that you solved, you should create a folder inside containing
- Source Code of the Program
- Explanation how to run and compile (in a Plain Text or Makefile (specific OS, …))
- Your results for the sample inputs (input_3.txt ⇒ output_3.txt) (or a similar name)
- A file called «documentation» (optional), suggested format: plain text, pdf or latex.
- Do NOT submit the inputfiles (they are on the webpage)
If possible, try to have just a single source file in order not to complicate things. At the top of the source, include a header specifying which task you solved, which programming language you used and a list of all team members:
/* Task: sample Lang: C++ Users: soi, chuck */
Note: We will confirm your submission. So if you send something and don’t get an answer, write another email to