Helvetic Coding Contest

The Helvetic Coding Contest is a Switzerland-wide programming contest organized by EPF Lausanne and mainly intended for university students. However, this makes it only more interesting for SOI-participants to take part, as you can show the university guys from ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne and other universities from Switzerland how it is really done…
The Helvetic Coding Contest takes place March 13th in Lausanne and is organized for the first time this year. The main difference to SOI and IOI is that you can participate in teams of at most 3 people (but you will only have one pc to work on). We highly encourage everybody to form a team and take part in this cool new contest. Among the contestants will be some organizers of SOI and hopefully a lot of contestants, so you will definitely see some familiar faces.
Moreover, SOI is paying the travelcosts and participation fees (which are really low) for all SOI-participants, who qualified for the Davos-Camp.
If you are interested, either contact us or register directly at the Helvetic Coding Contest-Homepage below. Please just «SOI» as the entity you represent.
You find all information on their website: http://hc2.ch/index.php
I am hoping to see you there.