Invitation SOI Workshops Fall 2016

We invite you to our three workshop-weekends for the first round. They are the ideal opportunity to get started with the first round of the SOI.
The workshops are aimed at beginners, but on 1-2 weekends (depending on participants numbers) we will also offer some advanced content. We will speak German, French and perhaps English; it is enough to understand one of these languages.
There will be lectures and practical tasks on computer, where you can try out what you learned and ask questions if something didn’t work.
The beginner program will cover these themes: What is an algorithm, how to tackle a problem, time complexity, Big-O notation, introduction to programming in C++, input/output in C++, compiling C++ in the Linux-terminal, for-loops, datatypes, functions, arrays, Standard Template Library, binary search, backtracking algorithms, combinatorics and number theory, introduction to graph theory, perhaps dynamic programming.
The advanced programm will contain themes such as geometry algorithms (basics, convex hull, scanline algorithms), dynamic programming, graph algorithms (Union Find, minimum spanning tree, Dijkstra’s algorithm), divide & conquer, segment trees, and discrete mathematics (groups, multiplicative inverse, relations, proof techniques, proof by induction).
The workshops will be held on these three weekends:
- Saturday 15.10.2016 10h – Sunday 16.10.2016 17h at EPF Lausanne (with 1 stay at the Youth Hostel Lausanne)
- Friday 21.10.2016 9h – 18h, Uni Bern (without overnight stay)
- Friday 4.11.2016 9h – Sunday 6.11.2016 17h, ETH Zürich (with 2 overnight stays at the Youth Hostel Zürich)
You can also register for multiple workshops, if you want!
On all three weekends, we will speak German, French and perhaps English; it it enough to understand one of these languages.
Bring along
If possible, you should bring your own Laptop and install gcc (the C++ compiler we will be using). You will receive detailed instructions after registration.
Food, accommodation, costs
We will eat lunch on campus. Breakfast and dinner are in the Youth Hostel. Snacks and drinks will be ready.
Thanks to our support partners, the SOI will cover all costs for food and youth hostel, and traveling costs are refunded to half rate.
Interested? Then please fill in the registration form. Preferably today, since participant numbers are limited, and we will consider registrations by order of registration date.
For questions we are available on
We are looking forward to seeing you in Zurich, Lausanne or Bern!
Luca Mondada, in name of the SOI-Team