Second Round 2022

There are two exciting weekends ahead, during which the finals participants will be determined. In the end, twelve or more participants can look forward to a place in the final round. The four best female participants will form the Swiss team for EGOI 2022.
The second round consists of three parts: A theoretical exam (2T), a practical exam (2P) and a homework part (2H).
This year, all three parts will be solved online.
The theoretical part will take place between March 4 and 7, 2022. Four tasks are solved by hand and give up to 400 points. You can start at any time between Friday, March 4 and Monday, March 7. After you get access to the tasks, you will then have 5 hours to write your solutions and upload them as a PDF file. The last submission to each task will then be manually graded.
The practical part will take place between March 10 and March 14, 2022. You can program solutions for 4 tasks, for up to 400 points. You can start at any time between Thursday, March 10 and Monday, March 14. Within 5 hours you can send in solutions, which will be evaluated automatically. The best submission for each task will count (in contrast to 2T, where we will only look at the last submission).
The third part has been running since the end of the first round: at the homework round (2H) you can get up to 200 points. The tasks also serve as preparation for the other exams.
If you qualified to participate in the second round, you have already received further instructions by email. And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask us, either on Discord ( or by email at
Good luck!