SOI 2012 - Countdown...

A new Olympiad-in-Informatics year is beginning soon and you will get access to the tasks for the first round of SOI 2012 on October 1 2011.

Sandro Feuz

Young computer enthusiasts can show their programming skills until November 30th and exchange their ideas with others. If you are amongst the best participants, you can win prizes, a spot in our training camp in Davos or even a ticket to the International Olympiad in Informatics 2012 held in Italy.

Details regarding the participation and the tasks will be published on October 1.

Also check out this years flyer which contains two example tasks to bridge the time.

The first task (A huge «L») was used in last years SOI-Finals (Finals 2010, task biglogo) and if you think you can solve it, try it out at our online grader here

The second task (Bookshelf) is a example of a Dynamic Programming task. You can find a lot of information on dynamic programming with respect to programming contests online.

If you have any questions, just post it in our forum or send an email to

FullresolutionversionofFlyer( 4.5MB)<file2012flyerbigen>Full resolution version of Flyer (~4.5MB) <file 2012-flyer-big-en>

SOI Flyer Flyer backside