SOI Day 2015 Invitation

NOTE: This page refers to the SOI day 2015. To the SOI day 2016 you can go here.
On January 24, 2015 at ETH Zurich the day of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics will take place. We prepared an exciting programme, filled with talks of computer scientists, explanations and solutions for the tasks of the first round and the live tournament of the creativity task programs. And of course the award ceremony takes place there as well.
The highlight of this year’s programme is the talk by Prof. Dr. Ronald L. Rivest, one of the inventors of the RSA crypto system, and a Turing Award winner. He will give a talk entitled “Turing and the Growth of Cryptography”.
[right img:soiday14-saemi]
The event is open to the public: You are very welcome to attend even if you did not participate this year or bring along your interested friends - this is a great occasion to get to know the SOI! In order to predict the number of people, we kindly ask you to register on this form until January 17, 2015.
Registration form (Rivest’s talk only)
[[file:soiday15-invitation-programm|Detailed schedule and further information (PDF)]]
[[file:soiday15-invitation-informal|invitation letter (PDF)]]
Feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions.