Trainingcamp in France

Delegations of six participants from Switzerland and Hong-Kong meet in Sollières-Sardières in France in a training camp, organized by Juraj Hromkovič, a professor at ETH.
Participant Reports
Not all reports are available in English. They are, however, all available in German.
Tuesday, 4th of July 2017 (Martin Chikov)
On Tuesday we went hiking in the French Alps near the Italian border. We visited the Massif des Cerses, We started our journey at around the 2000m mark. In the beginning it was very steep and the top looked so far away, but we pushed forward and after 1:30 hours we got to the top of the Pas de la Beccia (alt. 2717m). There we could see the nearby mountains, the clouds under us and breath the fresh air. Most marvelous was the Lac du Mont Cenis, which we could see below us it its full beauty. Overall the hiking was tiring, but really worth it and we had a great time.