WEOI 2023

On the 17th on June, the Western European Olympiad in Informatics took place for the first time this year, organized by the Netherlands. The competition was held in a hybrid format and the Swiss delegation participated online from Zurich. The Swiss Team consisted of:
- Elias Bauer (Kollegium St. Fidelis, NW)
- Jasmin Studer (Gymnasium Lerbermatt, BE)
- Josia John (Kantonsschule im Lee, ZH)
- Linus Lüchinger (Kantonsschule am Burggraben, SG)
- Yaël Arn (Gymnasium Bäumlihof, BS)
- Andrej Ševera (Cycle d’orientation Voirets, GE)
Yaël won a gold medal with his strong performance. Elias and Josia won silver medals, Linus and Andrej received bronze medals. Jasmin missed a bronze medal by just 12 points. All the results can be found here.
We are very happy about such a successful start into the international contest season! Next in line is the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics mid of July, followed by the Central European Olypiad in Informatics mid of August and the International Olympiad in Informatics two weeks later.