How to reach us

You can send Letters, parcels or fan mail to our postal address:
Swiss Olympiad in Informatics ETH Zürich, CAB F15.1 Universitätstr. 6 CH-8092 Zürich
If you prefer it simpler, faster and cheaper you can send us an email to
We are on Discord as well. You can ask us questions, give feedback or discuss with other participants. Of course we will look into it often and answer questions and help with problems.
If you don’t know Discord: Discord is a chat service like IRC. Here you can communicate directly with other SOI participants and leaders. There are various channels for everything from organization to your favourite pancake topping.
Awareness Team
At SOI we want to ensure that all participants feel well and can fully enjoy their participation at the contests. Treating each other with respect and creating a friendly atmosphere should go without saying. If you have any concerns, the awareness team is here to take time for you and to offer you support. You can find more information at Awareness Team.