Online Workshops 2020/21

Samuel at workshops

This year there will be workshops where you can participate from home, additionally to the regular workshops in Zurich. The workshops will take place online via Discord. The lectures on site will be replaced by recordings of them. Just like at the workshops on site, we will help you to practice solving tasks. You can ask questions via text or voice chat.

The content of the online workshops is the same as in the workshops on site. There are separate tracks for beginners and advanced as well. You can watch the lectures in German or English. Questions can be asked in English, German and French. The tasks will also be available in all three languages.

The content of the workshop is listed on the page about the onsite workshops.

Coding at our workshops


Part One :

  • 31.10: Online

Part Two :

  • 8.11: Online
Daniel at the Workshops


Q: I already registered up for the workshops on site. Can i deregister?
A: No Problem. Just write a mail to
Q: Can I participate at both the on site and online workshops?
A: Both workshops have the same content. If you participated at the workshops on site and understood the content, you will learn nothing new at the workshops online. You are allowed to attend the online workshops as well, especially in case you have not understood some of the content.
Q: Is it possible to attend at the beginners lecture in Zurich and take the advanced lectures online?
A: Yes you can. However it is neither necessary or intended. The workshops teach you a lot on how to tackle algorithmic programming problems in general. You can read up on most of the knowledge you missed by reading the SOI wiki. If you want to watch the advanced lectures regardless, you can just watch the recordings of them.
Q: I can’t decide whether I should attend in person or online. What considerations could help me decide?
A: If you or someone close particularly vulnerable you should definitely attend the online workshops. If you have any symptoms of sickness or have recently were in close proximity with many people and have a higher chance of being infected, you should come to the online workshops. Otherwise you may want to consider how well you can focus at home. If changing from regular school to school online was difficult for you, it’s recommended to attend in person. If you are easily distracted by other students, the online workshops are the better choice.
Q: The last part of the online workshops takes place at the 8.11 while the end of the first round is on 30.11. Isn’t there too little time left after the online workshops to solve the first round?
A: From experience we can tell that enough time remains. The first round takes 2.5 months so you can choose when to participate or think about a problem for a long time. In later rounds you will solve several tasks in a few hours. If you know in advance, that you will be busy from 8.11 to the 30.11 but have a lot of free time before that, you should consider this a good reason to participate at the workshops in person.

Questions about the content are answered on the page about the on site workshops.


We do not expect any prior knowledge from you. But you will profit the most if you have learned the basics in some programming language before. We teach C++ even though C++ is not the easiest language to start with.

If you are completely new and want to get started as fast as possible, we recommend that you refer to the training page.


Interested? Then please fill in the registration form:

The workshops from 2020 are already over, therefore the registration has been closed.

Registration is not mandatory. You may not register and spontaneously attend. It also doesn’t have any consequences if you register, but at last minute tell us, that you decided otherwise. Your registration well be used by us to estimate how many participants show up and to send you additional information per mail. If you did not register, you can spontaneously join us on Discord.

As reward for filling in the form and actively participating in the online workshops we will send you a few small goodies.

For questions ask us on

We are looking forward to seeing you online!