First Round: Only one week left!

The first round started on October 1st, and we already have more submissions than ever. Remember that you have only one week left to finish your solutions and upload everything, because the first round is ending on November 30th at 23:59 UTC+1.
Don’t forget the creative task and the theoretical subtasks. It may very well be possible that the points from those tasks will determine if you make it into top 20 and thus into the Davos camp! Remember that you can see the anonymized ranking if you’re logged in.
We would like to mention a change to the later rounds: This year, Python will also be allowed in 2P and the finals. For 2P it will be guaranteed that it is possible to get full points on all tasks with Python.
On December 1st the round 2H will begin, the “homework round”. We will provide you with more information after the first round has ended.