Results of the First Round 2017

Today on the SOI day we have presented the results of the first round and awarded the prices. The final ranking can be seen here. If you are logged in, you will find feedback to your submissions. Also have a look into our detailed solution booklet.
Regardless of how many points you’ve scored: Congratulations. We are aware that some tasks have seemed pretty tricky to you but we are really happy that you’ve spent some time trying to crack those riddles.
We want to especially highlight the top five places:
Name | School | Canton |
Jonathan Hauenstein | Kantonsschule Alpenquai | Luzern |
Martin Chikov | Collège Rousseau | Genève |
Nicolas Camenisch | Kantonsschule Wettingen | Aargau |
Ian Boschung | Collège St. Michel | Fribourg |
Robin Hänni | Gymnasium Neufeld | Bern |
We also want to gratulate the winners of our special awards: The creativity award goes to Jan Schär (Kantonsschule Olten, Solothurn) and Ian Boschung for their submission to the task submarine. In his first participation, Nicolas Camenisch managed to get to rank 3 – and he is only 15 years old; more than enough reason to give him the youth award. The twins Viera and Ivana Klasovita (both MNG Rämibühl, Zürich) landed on places 11 and 12 with only a few points difference and have been awarded the price for the best female participants. The newly introduced rainbow award for the lots of different programming languages goes to Jan Schär who submitted every of the five tasks in a different programming language (JavaScript, Haskell, Assembler, Python, C++).
Everyone leaving the first round with at least one point is qualified for the second round. The theoretical exam will take place at 4th of march at ETH Zürich and EPF Lausanne, the theoretical exam can be done during 5 hours at any between march 10th and the 13th. More information will follow, but make sure to keep said days empty or write to us if you got a collision with an important appointment. Remember to have a look at 2H as preparation for the second round.
If you’ve missed the SOI day, you can have a look at our slides (besides the solution booklet):
- Main presentation
- SOI Introduction
- Solution Numberriddle
- Solution Superpowers
- Solution Cupsort
- Solution Funny
- Solution Dissertation
- Creativity tourney of Submarine
Also have a look at our IOI video and the video of the creativity tourney on YouTube.