Apr 6, 2013Results Second RoundWe finished correcting the submissions for 2T and can therefore now publish the final results of the second round of SOI 2013.
Feb 7, 2013Helvetic Coding Contest 2013Our friends from EPF Lausanne will again organize the Helvetic Coding Contest this year.
Jan 13, 2013Results of the First Round 2013 onlineThe rankings of the first round 2013 are available.
Sep 30, 2012Marco Keller wins a Bronze Medal at IOI 2012The Swiss Delegation just returned from their trip to Sirmione, Lake Garda, where they participated at the 24th International Olympiad in Informatics.
Sep 7, 2012Preliminary round for SOI 2013A new Olympiad-in-Informatics year is beginning soon and you will get access to the tasks for the first round of SOI 2013 on October 1 2012.
Jul 14, 2012CEOI 2012Die Zentraleuropäische Informatikolympiade (CEOI) 2012 fand vom 7. bis 13. Juli in Tata, Ungarn statt und eine Schweizer Delegation wurde eingeladen als Gast teilzunehmen.
Jun 12, 2012SOI-Finalrunde 2012: Die Gewinner stehen festSpannung bis zur letzten Minute am Final der Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade.
Jun 1, 2012Final Round of SOI 2012: Closing Ceremony on 9th of JuneThe final round of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics is well underway.