Dec 27, 2010SOI Day AnnouncementOn Saturday, January 15th 2011, our annual SOI-Day will take place at ETH in Zurich.
Sep 24, 2010SOI 2011: First round starts on October 1. 2010The Swiss Olympiad in Informatics 2011 is about to start! The tasks for round one are published on October 1 2010.
Aug 3, 2010Swiss Delegation at IOI 2010 in CanadaThe Swiss Delegation returned last Saturday from the 22th International Olympiad in Informatics, which took place in the renowned University of Waterloo in Canda.
Jul 22, 2010Schweizer Team an der CEOI 2010 in der SlovakeiDie Schweiz hat wiederum als Gastland an der 17. Zentraleuropäischen Informatikolympiade teilgenommen.
May 25, 2010SOI 2010 FinalresultateDie Schweizer Informatikolympiade 2010 ist seit letztem Wochenende zu Ende und damit das Rennen um den Titel des besten Schweizer Jungprogrammierers entschieden.
May 22, 2010SOI 2010 - Final SpurtDie SOI 2010 ist schon fast vorüber und während ich das hier schreibe, sitzen die Teilnehmer der Finalrunde der SOI 2010 an ihrem letzten von vier fünfstündigen Contest.
May 10, 2010SOI 2010 - First Finals Weekend - ResultsThe first weekend of the SOI 2010 Finals was held 7th and 8th of May at the Credit Suisse Business School in Zurich.
Apr 18, 2010Results Second Round - Qualificants SOI 2010 FinalsWe finished correcting the submissions for 2T and can therefore now publish the final results of the second round of SOI 2010.
Feb 15, 2010Helvetic Coding ContestThe Helvetic Coding Contest is a Switzerland-wide programming contest organized by EPF Lausanne.