Jan 10, 2016Results of the first round: Now online!Find out who won and take a look at the final ranking and the master solutions.
Jan 8, 2016Change of speaker at the SOI-dayOur guest speaker at the SOI-day, prof. Rachid Guerraoui, unfortunately had to cancel his visit. Yet we have found a great alternative!
Nov 7, 2015Workshop in ZürichCe weekend, la SOI a fait le plus grand Workshop jusqu'ici pendant trois jours.
Oct 17, 2015Silver at the Romanian Master of InformaticsDas Schweizer Team holt in Bukarest am Romanian Master of Informatics eine Silbermedaille!
Sep 9, 2015First Round of SOI 2016 starting soon!The IOI in Kazachstan was the end of the olympic year 2015. A new Olympiad-in-Informatics year is beginning soon and you will get access to the tasks for the first round of SOI 2016 on October 1, 2015.
Sep 9, 2015Invitation SOI Workshops Fall 2015Learn the SOI-basics at ETH Zurich, Uni Bern or EPF Lausanne. Register now!
Aug 4, 2015Bronze for Switzerland at IOI 2015!Daniel Rutschmann and Fabian Lyck each win a bronze medal.