Aug 15, 2009IOI ResultsThe 21st International Olympiad in Informatics held in Bulgaria is over and the Swiss delegation just arrived after an interesting and competitive week.
Jul 22, 2009Swiss Delegation at CEOI 2009This year, a delegation from Switzerland participated at the Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI). It took place in Tîrgu Mures, Rumania, from 8. to 14. July. Unfortunately, the medals were just missed very closely.
May 16, 2009Results SOI-Finals 2009The SOI-Finals are over. The four contest-days together accumulated to 20 hours of coding.
May 12, 2009Rangverkündigung SOI - FinalsAm Samstag, den 16. Mai 2009 werden in Zürich die 13 besten Teilnehmer der Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade mit Medaillen ausgezeichnet.
Jan 18, 2009Results of the first RoundThe results of both the theoretical and practical track are now online. We also noted the number of points of the first 10 ranks of both tracks.
Jan 2, 2009SOI-DaySOI-Day will be on January 17 in Zurich. Everybody is welcome, whether you participate in this years SOI or not. So keep this date free and tell all your mates, family, … to do so as well.
Nov 25, 2008Submissiondetails, First RoundInformations concerning the submission of solutions for the first round.
Nov 19, 2008Practical round: inputs availableThe open-data inputs for the tasks cheese on gears, smallest subnumber and mousipedia (Practical-Round) are now online, the others will follow.
Nov 4, 2008Upcoming EventsDuring November we are organizing several events to get you started with the basics of programming: