Sep 16, 2018Girls Camp 2018Interested girls from all over Switzerland gathered for one week in Schwanden GL to learn about fascinating algorithms.
Aug 27, 2018IOI 2018 in JapanThe Swiss delegation participates at the International Olympiad in Informatics in Tsukuba, Japan. Here they describe their experiences.
Jul 19, 2018FlimscampIn Flims a delegation of the SOI has a week of training together with a delegation from Hong Kong to prepare for the International Olympiad in Informatics.
May 29, 2018Girls Camp and Girls WorkshopsThe Swiss Olympiad in Informatics organizes this year some girls only events. Register now!
Apr 29, 2018Slovak Camp 2018During one week a Swiss delegation is taking part in the IOI selection round of the Slovakian Olympiad in Informatics.
Apr 21, 2018Results SOI Finals 2018Die Finalrunde 2018 fand am 13./14. April im eParadise in Zürich Altstetten und am 20./21. April an der Uni Bern statt. Nach 20 Stunden Wettkampf stehen die Teams für die IOI und CEOI 2018 fest!
Feb 26, 2018Second Round 2018On March 3rd and between March 8 and 12 the second round will take place. Twelve participants will be invited for the finals.
Feb 16, 2018Ftan CampDieses Jahr fand das SOI Winter Camp das erste Mal in Ftan, Graubünden statt. Die besten Teilnehmer der ersten Runde, welche im vergangen Herbst stattfand, wurden zusammen mit einer Delegation aus der Slowakei ins intensive Trainingscamp eingeladen.
Jan 7, 2018Day of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics (SOI) 2018Lectures, rank announcements, and prizes on the Day of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics 2018.