May 11, 2017Slovak Camp 2017A Swiss delegation trains in the selection camp of the Slovakian Olympiad in Informatics.
May 1, 2017Medal Ceremony SOI 2017Nach 20 Stunden Wettkampf stehen die Teams für die IOI und CEOI 2017 fest!
Apr 11, 2017Finals 2017Die Finalrunde findet am 21./22. und 28./29. April statt. Zur Schlussfeier am 29. April sind alle eingeladen.
Feb 26, 2017Second Round 2017On March 3rd and between March 8 and 12 the second round will take place. Twelve participants will be invited for the finals.
Feb 18, 2017SOI-Day 2017Young informatics talents receive awards and listen to presentations at the day of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics 2017.
Jan 7, 2017Results of the First Round 2017Ranking and master solutions for the first round are online now!
Dec 24, 2016Chocolate prizes for 2H points at SOI dayIn order to motivate you to already start solving 2H in the upcoming Christmas holidays, we offer a small reward for points you get before the SOI day.