Aug 28, 2016Invitation SOI Workshops Fall 2016Learn the SOI-basics at ETH Zurich, Uni Bern or EPF Lausanne. Register now!
Aug 19, 2016Gold and Silver for Switzerland!Gold for Daniel Rutschmann and Silver for Stefanie Zbinden at the 28th International Olympiad in Informatics in Kasan, Russia!
Aug 18, 2016Medal Ceremony IOI 2016Watch the live stream of the IOI 2016 closing ceremony today at 3pm Swiss time.
Aug 4, 2016Travel Blog: IOI 2016 in KazanThe International Olympiad in Informatics 2016 took place in Kazan, Russia. Here is our blog!
Aug 1, 201610 years of creativity tasksWe have compiled our past creativity tasks in a paper and video. Take look at them!
Jul 25, 2016Silver at CEOI 2016!Jan Schär hat an der CEOI 2016 in Rumänien eine Silbermedaille erringen können.
Jun 28, 2016New Olympiads News!The new issue of the Olympiads News is here! Read more to see what our participants have to say!
Jun 28, 2016SOI-Workshop am STIU 2016Informatik kommt in die Schule: Am 7.9.2016 können Lehrpersonen an der ETH Zürich spannende Ideen sammeln. Die SOI ist mit einem Workshop dabei!
May 2, 2016Slovak CampA Swiss delegation trains in the selection camp of the Slovakian Olympiad in Informatics.