Sep 14, 2020EGOI - European Girls' Olympiad in InformaticsQualify to the European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics!
Sep 12, 2020Girls Camp 2020Girls from all over Switzerland gathered for one week in Vaumarcus NE to learn about fascinating algorithms.
Sep 5, 2020EJOI 2020Report on the European Junior Olympiad in Informatics, which took place online this year.
Aug 29, 2020CEOI 2020: BlogExperiences of the Swiss Delegation at the Central Olympiad in Informatics in Nagykanisza, Hungary, from 23-29 August 2020.
Aug 7, 2020Results Finals 2020The results of the finals 2020 are in and the teams for IOI and CEOI have been decided.
Jul 4, 2020Flims Camp 2020The training camp in Flims from 28.6.-4.7. served as preparation for the finals of SOI 2020.
Jun 20, 2020Girls CampThe Swiss Olympiad in Informatics organizes this year some girls only events. Register now!
Feb 12, 2020SOI Camp 2020For one week 29 participants from Switzerland and Sweden train together in Sarnen.
Dec 19, 2019Invitation SOI Day 2020The SOI Day will take place at ETH Zurich on the 11th of January 2020. Register now.